You can make your initial deposit by electronic transfer from your bank or building society.
Your bank or building society will require the following information:
If you are asked whether you wish to pay a person or a business, please select ‘person’.
- Beneficiary: Your first and last name
- Sort code: 23-59-54
- Bank account number: 00000008
- Reference: Your Newcastle Building Society account number. Your account number is a 13-digit account number which can be found in your welcome letter or by logging into your account online. Please ensure that your account number is entered exactly as shown including any uppercase letters.
Your account opening balance
Please ensure you refer to the Product Terms and Conditions for the minimum opening deposit required. Any amount below this will be rejected and returned to the source account within 1-2 working days.
If any of the above information, including your reference is missing or incomplete the payments may be sent back to your bank and not credited to your Newcastle Building Society account.
What is Confirmation of Payee?
We participate in the Confirmation of Payee (CoP) scheme. The CoP scheme is designed to reduce fraud and prevent payments from being sent to the wrong accounts, by requiring name checks to be carried out between bank or building society accounts.
When you set up a new nominated linked account, we will ask the account provider to check that the name on the nominated linked account matches your name. If the information does not match, we will ask you for proof that the proposed nominated linked account is in your name before you can add it.
Visit our Confirmation of Payee page for further information.