Once you have chosen the account you wish to open, we’ve tried to make it as straightforward as possible to apply.
Please check the product special conditions for the account for information on how the account can be opened.
Online application
Just follow the simple instructions on screen. However, before you start, please make sure you have to hand the sort code and account number of the bank/building society account you wish to nominate to allow you to electronically transfer money from your Newcastle Building Society account at your request.
You will also require your National Insurance number (if you're applying for an ISA).
It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete your application online.
Note: This is not available for all accounts.
At your local branch
Find your nearest branch
To open an account at a branch, simply take along your investment and proof of your identity and your address.
Wherever possible, we try to prove your identity via an electronic authorisation system but sometimes – if you have recently moved home, for example – we may not be able to make a match. In these cases we may require further original documentation. For further information view or download our proof of identity and address guide (PDF, 164kB).
For branch-based members you will receive a passbook, which records transactions on your account. We will require a passbook/card to make a withdrawal.
For telephone or postal accounts, we do not require your passbook/card, however we recommend that you send us your passbook /card to keep it up to date. It is possible to make an investment without a passbook/card.
From our Newcastle-based customer contact centre
Simply call 0345 734 4345 (8am - 6pm Monday to Friday) and one of our friendly staff will guide you through the process.
Calls to 03 numbers are charged at local rate but calling from a mobile may cost more.
What is a passbook?