Current and closed variable interest rates
To view interest rates, including bonus account interest rates, please consult the following documents:
- Current & Closed Issue Variable Savings Interest Rates (PDF, 98 kB)
- Fixed Rate Savings Accounts - Interest Rates (PDF, 121 kB)
Please note that:
- All interest will be paid gross without tax taken off.
- You may still be required to pay tax if your savings interest is above your Personal Savings Allowance (PSA). It is your responsibility to advise the appropriate tax authorities of any interest recovered.
- Please refer to the GOV.UK website for details on the different tax thresholds and what action may be required by you.
- We can deduct any tax from the rate of interest where we’re allowed to do so by law.
- If you are responsible for tax in a country other than the UK, or in addition to any UK tax responsibility you may have, we may provide details of your account to the tax authorities of these other countries if we’re required to do so by law.
Important information – Personal Savings Allowance
In a reform to the savings tax system, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) created a new Personal Savings Allowance which came into effect from April 2016, exempting the first £1,000 of savings income from any tax for basic rate taxpayers and the first £500 for higher rate taxpayers, saving up to £200 off an annual tax bill. This does not apply to additional rate taxpayers.
The changes mean that interest is paid gross and tax isn't deducted. Further information is available from HMRC by visiting the GOV.UK website.
Use your tax-free savings allowance now